Join Ash & Khalfani this Friday evening for a stress reducing, relaxing workshop experience. We will start with guided mindfulness meditation and transition into a transformation breath & sound journey. The theme of this gathering is reconnection to Mother Earth to remember that we are part of Nature.
Beginning with mindfulness meditation supports us in arriving into the space and becoming present with our thoughts as an observer. Researches theorize that mindfulness meditation promotes metacognitive awareness, decreases rumination via disengagement from perserverative cognitive activities and enhances attentional capacities through gains in working memory. These cognitive gains in turn contribute to effective emotion-regulation.
We will then be using our breath & sounds to move energy to reset our nervous system.
This style of breathwork is designed to unwind blockages stored in your nervous system due to trauma or unexpressed emotions. It also fully oxygenates our brain so we can reach altered states of consciousness.
What you will need:
-Comfortable space where you can lay down and not be disturbed
-any crystals, sage, oils, etc you want to set up your sacred space
-headphones (not essential, but may sound better).
-Don't come on a full stomach
Friday April 22nd 2022 7:00-9:00pm pst
On Zoom
Donation ($5-20)
A portion of our Moon Folk Session donations will be given to Pachamama Alliance-
I agree to the following: *To let the facilitators know if I have any of the contraindications for breathwork: